Ukrainian Catholics started Celebration of the Baptism of Rus

Today with a prayer service at St. Volodymyr’s Hill Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church began the celebration of the 1025th anniversary of the Baptism of Kyivan Rus. Prayer was led by the head of the UGCC Patriarch Sviatoslav (Shevchuk). Source: Religious Information Service of Ukraine ( August 2013, 20:19 | Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC)  Some pictures from the event.

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The Blessing of Easter Baskets

On Sunday, May 5th 2013, the Greek-Catholic church of Our Lady of Damascus was literally packed with Russian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Serbian and other Slav faithful accompanied by their children. Since early in the morning, they flocked the church, carrying colourful Easter baskets which they placed in front of the iconostasis….

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