On Sunday, 21st May 2023, the subdeacon Jesmond Schembri was ordained deacon for the Greek Catholic Parish of Our Lady of Damascus of Valletta by Mons. Manuel Nin, O.S.B, the Ezarch of the Greek Catholics in Greece. A considerable number of the parish’s community, together with the new deacon’s family, relatives and friends, attended the Divine Liturgy during which the ordination occured at St Nicholas Church in Valletta. Archbishop Emeritus Paul Cremona, O.P. also attended this celebration.
In the Byzantine liturgy, the deacon symbolizes the angels who are all the time interceding between God and the people. He is continually moving from the sanctuary where he assists the priest in the celebration of the divine mysteries and into the midst of the congregation where he leads them in their prayers to God. The deacon is also called to visit the sick and the vulnerable so he will encourage them with good counsel and help them both in their spiritual and material needs.
We continue to pray for Deacon Jesmond so that he always serves his ministry with faithfulness towards God and His people.

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