Studju Interessanti tat-Traduttur Ivan Said dwar Verżjonijiet Differenti tal-Innu Akáthistos bil-Malti.

It-traduttur Ivan Said għadu kif ħejja studju interessanti ħafna dwar tliet verżjonijiet bil-Malti tal-innu Marjan Biżantin imsejjaħ Akáthistos. Verżjoni minnhom hija ta’ Dun Karm Sant u ż-żewġ verżjonijiet l-oħra huma tal-isqof Għawdxi Nikol Cauchi. Is-Sur Said ġentilment tana l-permess tiegħu biex intellgħu l-kitba tiegħu fuq dan is-sit. Minn qalbna nroddulu…

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Byzantine Liturgy at the Xewkija Parish (Gozo) on the Eve of the Feast of the Beheading of the Glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist John

On the 28th of August, 2023, the eve of feast of the Beheading of the Glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist John, Papàs Martin Zammit, parish priest of the Greek Catholic parish of ‘Our Lady of Damascus’, assisted by deacon Jesmond Schembri and subdeacon Dennis Mifsud, celebrated in Maltese the divine…

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