On the 28th of August, 2023, the eve of feast of the Beheading of the Glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist John, Papàs Martin Zammit, parish priest of the Greek Catholic parish of ‘Our Lady of Damascus’, assisted by deacon Jesmond Schembri and subdeacon Dennis Mifsud, celebrated in Maltese the divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom at the Xewkija parish church dedicated to Saint John the Baptist. Members of the local parochial presbyterate, led by Rev. Archpriest Daniel Xerri, concelebrated, and numerous parishioners attended the celebration. The divine Liturgy can be followed on Youtube: Radju Prekursur Xewkija Live – Quddiesa tat-3 jum tat-Tridu tal-festa tal-Martirju -28-8-23 (7.00pm) – YouTube
For most of the Xewkija parishioners, this was the first time that they attended the Liturgy in the Byzantine rite. On behalf of the Maltese Greek Catholic community, we would like to extend our sincere thanks to Rev. Archpriest Xerri and his colleagues for making this event possible and for their wonderful hospitality.

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