Category: News
Our Church acquires a liturgical fan (ripidion)

During today’s divine Liturgy (9th October, 2016), our Parish Priest, Rev. Archimandrite George Mifsud, announced that our Church has just acquired a ripidion, that is, a liturgical fan (see photos). This wooden liturgical fan, with the image of a seraph with six wings on both sides, is the artistic work of the…
Honoured and blessed by the presence at “Our Lady of Damascus”, Valletta, of Venedykt (Aleksiychuk), Protosyncellus, Auxiliary Bishop of Lviv Archeparchy of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church

During the month of August, 2016, our Greek Catholic community was honoured and blessed by the presence of Venedykt (Aleksiychuk), Protosyncellus, Auxiliary Bishop of Lviv Archeparchy of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. This is the third time that Bishop Venedykt is visiting our community. During his month-long stay, His Eminence officiated…
L’ordinazione episcopale di Manuel Nin

«Nella tua persona il Maestro si fa presente: tu innalzi i suoi tratti». Tratto da sant’Efrem, è questo il programma episcopale di Manuel Nin, esarca apostolico per i cattolici greci di rito bizantino. Finora rettore del Pontificio collegio greco a Roma, Nin ha ricevuto questa mattina l’ordinazione episcopale nella basilica…
Holy Week 2016 at “Our Lady of Damascus”
Great Blessing of the Water

On the occasion of the great feast of Theophany the parish priest Archim. George Mifsud Montanaro performed the Great Blessing of the Water and distributed it to the congregation. Apolytikion of the Feast: Lord, when You were baptized in the Jordan, the worship of the Trinity was made manifest. For the voice…
Diaconal Ordination of Martin Zammit at Our Lady of Damascus, Valletta

On Sunday, December 20th, 2015, the Greek-Catholic parish of Our Lady of Damascus, with praise and thanksgiving to the Almighty God, joyfully witnessed the ordination of sub-deacon Prof. Martin Zammit to the sacred order of deacon. Mons. Dimitrios Salachas, Bishop of Gratianopolis and Apostolic Exarch of the Greek Byzantine Church…
Easter Sunday: The climax of the celebrations of HOLY WEEK 2014

As in previous years, the Greek-Catholic Church of Our Lady of Damascus in Valletta attracted a numerous congregation of faithful who eagerly awaited the joyous announcement declaring: Christ is Risen – Χριστός Ανέστη – Христос воскрес! The divine liturgy started at 8.00 a.m. and finished at 10.30 a.m. During the…
Holy Liturgy of St Basil at the Chapel of St Basil the Great at Mqabba (Malta)
Installation of an Electronic Bell System at Our Lady of Damascus

Recently, the Church of Our Lady of Damascus has witnessed a most welcome improvement – an electronic bell system. This systen greatly enhances the performance of the three bells which have called the faithful to the Church’s functions for the last sixty years. Apart from enabling the conventional manual ringing…
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