Tag: featured
Papàs Martin Zammit installed as Parish Priest of the Greek-Catholic Church of Our Lady of Damascus Parish (Valletta, Malta)

On Sunday, 18th July, 2021, Papàs Martin Zammit became the twenty-first parish priest of the Greek Catholic Church of Our Lady of Damascus parish. The installation ceremony took place at the Church of St Nicholas, in Valletta. Parish priest emeritus, Mons. George Mifsud, and Fr Anton Farrugia Pisani O.F.M. concelebrated….
The ancient Marian icons of the Greek Catholic Church of Our Lady of Damascus in Valletta, Malta
The Greek-Catholic Community celebrates the Birthday of its Parish Priest, Rev. Archim. George Mifsud.

Today, 20th July, Rev. Archim. George Mifsud, parish priest of the Greek-Catholic church of Our Lady of Damascus, celebrates his 93rd birthday. On the occasion of his birthday, the Greek-Catholic community extends to him the best wishes for many more happy returns of the day. May God’s love and peace…
Pope Francis: ‘I think of Hagia Sophia, and I am very saddened’
Pope Francis, following the recitation of the Marian Prayer and recalling Sea Sunday, made reference to the Basilica of Hagia Sophia in Istanbul (Constantinople), recently transformed into a mosque. The Pope said it made him think about what is happening in Istanbul. This week President Tayyip Erdogan announced his decision…
Major obstacles to unity with Orthodox are resolved. What’s left?
An Evening Course of One Year in Ecumenism

The Pastoral Formation Institute of the Archdiocese of Malta is organizing a one-year evening course in ecumenism: ‘The Search for Christian Unity’. This course enables participants to understand the different contexts leading to the various divisions within the Church, the importance of ecumenism, the efforts aimed at healing age-old mistrust…
The icon of “Our Lady of Damascus”: on its way to a new destination
Honoured and blessed by the presence at “Our Lady of Damascus”, Valletta, of Venedykt (Aleksiychuk), Protosyncellus, Auxiliary Bishop of Lviv Archeparchy of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church

During the month of August, 2016, our Greek Catholic community was honoured and blessed by the presence of Venedykt (Aleksiychuk), Protosyncellus, Auxiliary Bishop of Lviv Archeparchy of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. This is the third time that Bishop Venedykt is visiting our community. During his month-long stay, His Eminence officiated…
L’ordinazione episcopale di Manuel Nin

«Nella tua persona il Maestro si fa presente: tu innalzi i suoi tratti». Tratto da sant’Efrem, è questo il programma episcopale di Manuel Nin, esarca apostolico per i cattolici greci di rito bizantino. Finora rettore del Pontificio collegio greco a Roma, Nin ha ricevuto questa mattina l’ordinazione episcopale nella basilica…